Archive for August, 2012


Today Sean and I went to see the Araki exhibit “Past Tense-Future” down in the SoMA. The exhibit was held in a Russian family’s condo or something. It was kinda sketch but whatever we were down haha. Anyways, I’m a pretty big fan of Araki so it was great to see some full sized prints and various slides that were on this huge light table. I was thinking of taking some pics inside the gallery, but I didn’t know if it would be cool or not so I just snapped a pic on my iPhone.. Sean took a few more. You can follow Sean @sdculligan and me @stevenichikawa if you wanna see them. Afterwards we shot around, had some food, and then went to Calumet to browse. I had work at 3 so that was the end of that adventure.

Here’s just some snapshots from the past couple days. Classes start tomorrow. Dammit.


So recently, John&Michelle asked if I would do a couple’s shoot for them! It’s been awhile since I’ve done any type of portrait work so I was kinda nervous, but I think everything went okay. The weather today was overcast and sucky… Typical SF. My friend Jonathan also let me borrow his 5Dii and came along to be my assistant for the day. Thanks a lot Jonathan I appreciate it! Overall I got a few shots (about 6 only lol) that stood out to me, but due to the weather I couldn’t do some things that I wanted to.

I haven’t done this in awhile so the editing is a little rough, but overall I think I did alright.. I was never that great with PhotoShop so it is what it is I guess haha.

I plan on doing a follow up shoot when the weather is better, but who knows when that will be haha.

Here’s some shots from the shoot:


Holy crap I give this blog zero love as of late. I recently picked up an old Nikon D40 kit and a Sigma 30 1.4 for a good price (in my opinion) so maybe having digital will change that. I was originally going to post a few photos from a roll of 120 I developed but I scanned them at 4800 dpi and it seems that the files are too massive to upload to this blog. I’m too lazy to fix this so here’s some Hipstamatic for now.

In other news, classes begin next week. Not ready for them ugh.


Some more street snapshots. Tri-X @ 800.

I’ll try to develop more film, but no guarantees.


Damn it’s been more than a month since I posted anything. Well I’ve been working and chilling with people and being lazy so I haven’t had too much time to shoot. I recently began shooting the stock of Superia I have so after about 4 more rolls of b/w it’s going to be all color for awhile.

Thanks to everyone who visited in July even though I barely posted anything. I’ll try to keep things more updated.

Here’s a photo dump.. Tri-X shot @ 800.